RxJS Simplified with Reactables

By: Dave Lai

Published: 2024 October 8

RxJS Reactables YingYang


RxJS is a powerful library but it has been known to have a steep learning curve.

The library’s large API surface, coupled with a paradigm shift to reactive programming can be overwhelming for newcomers.

I created Reactables API to simplify RxJS usage and ease the developer’s introduction to reactive programming.


We will build a simple control that toggles a user’s notification setting.

It will also send the updated toggle setting to a mock backend and then flash a success message for the user.


Install RxJS & Reactables

npm i rxjs @reactables/core

Starting with a basic toggle.

import { RxBuilder, Reactable } from '@reactables/core';

export type ToggleState = {
  notificationsOn: boolean;

export type ToggleActions = {
  toggle: (payload: boolean) => void;

export const RxNotificationsToggle = (
  initialState = {
    notificationsOn: false,
  } as ToggleState
): Reactable<ToggleState, ToggleActions> =>
    reducers: {
      toggle: (state) => ({
        notificationsOn: !state.notificationsOn,

const [state$, actions] = RxToggleNotifications();

state$.subscribe((state) => {





RxBuilder creates a Reactable, which is a tuple with two items.

  1. An RxJS Observable the UI can subscribe to for state changes.

  2. An object of action methods the UI can call to invoke state changes.

No need for Subjects when using Reactables.

We can just describe the behaviour we want with pure reducer functions.

Reactables uses Subjects and various operators under the hood to manage state for the developer.

Adding API call and flashing success message

Reactables handle asynchronous operations with effects which are expressed as RxJS Operator Functions. They can be declared with the action/reducer that triggers the effect(s).

This allows us to leverage RxJS to the fullest in handling our asynchronous logic.

Lets modify our toggle example above to incorporate some asyncrounous behaviour. We will forgo error handling to keep it short.

import { RxBuilder, Reactable } from '@reactables/core';
import { of, concat } from 'rxjs';
import { debounceTime, switchMap, mergeMap, delay } from 'rxjs/operators';

export type ToggleState = {
  notificationsOn: boolean;
  showSuccessMessage: boolean;
export type ToggleActions = {
  toggle: (payload: boolean) => void;

export const RxNotificationsToggle = (
  initialState = {
    notificationsOn: false,
    showSuccessMessage: false,
): Reactable<ToggleState, ToggleActions> =>
    reducers: {
      toggle: {
        reducer: (_, action) => ({
          notificationsOn: action.payload as boolean,
          showSuccessMessage: false,
        effects: [
          (toggleActions$) =>
              // switchMap to unsubscribe from previous API calls if a new toggle occurs
              switchMap(({ payload: notificationsOn }) =>
                  .pipe(delay(500)) // Mock API call
                    mergeMap(() =>
                        // Flashing the success message for 2 seconds
                        of({ type: 'updateSuccess' }),
                        of({ type: 'hideSuccessMessage' }).pipe(delay(2000))
      updateSuccess: (state) => ({
        showSuccessMessage: true,
      hideSuccessMessage: (state) => ({
        showSuccessMessage: false,

See full example on for:

Lets bind our Reactable to the view. Below is an example of binding to a React component with a useReactable hook from @reactables/react package.

import { RxNotificationsToggle } from './RxNotificationsToggle';
import { useReactable } from '@reactables/react';

function App() {
  const [state, actions] = useReactable(RxNotificationsToggle);
  if (!state) return;

  const { notificationsOn, showSuccessMessage } = state;
  const { toggle } = actions;

  return (
    <div className="notification-settings">
      {showSuccessMessage && (
        <div className="success-message">
          Success! Notifications are {notificationsOn ? 'on' : 'off'}.
      <p>Notifications Setting:</p>
      <button onClick={() => toggle(!notificationsOn)}>
        {notificationsOn ? 'On' : 'Off'}

export default App;

That’s it!


Reactables helps to simplify RxJS by allowing us to build our functionality with pure reducer functions vs diving into the world of Subjects.

RxJS is then reserved for what it does best - composing our asynchronous logic.

Reactables can extend and do much more! Check out the documentation for more examples, including how they can be used to manage forms!